Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Route 66 2012: Well-here we go.
5 years plus of yakking about it. 6 months of coordinating work and family schedules. Believing at least 3 or 4 times just in the last year that it wouldn't happen and yet somehow, the time has finally arrived.  Logistics are set, the Mustang Convertible located,Rules negotiated and plans(or the lack thereof) have been made.

The participants are:
Dennis Haren-Prairie High class of 79
Scott Appleget-Prairie High Class of 80
Kurt Tjelmeland-Prairie High Class of 80

Three very good friends from high school  that have not spent nearly enough time with each other the last 30 plus years.  We are all 50 years old and to celebrate living this long(and this well) we decided to embark on this journey.

The Trip starts starts Friday August 3rd when Scott and I pick up Dennis in Chicago and head to Grant Park, technically the starting point of Route 66. The trip will continue westward to Santa Monica, California and end officially end Friday August 11th which so happens to be the day Dennis turns 51. Now rudimentary Internet research will tell you that Route 66 has nearly been wiped out by the Interstate system all in the name of "Progress."  Fortunately for our group of 3 travellers, there has been a renaissance of sorts and states and towns have started to emphasize and promote their connection to the Mother Road. We intend on following the path of the Old Route 66 as closely as possible.

The Blog: Each of the three of us will be posting hopefully daily. The content of the overall blog is yet to be determined but expect some history, some play by play of the sights and sounds from the Route,  some memories and hopefully some humor. Our intent is to record our experiences on the trip. We also expect that the trip will spur conversation of the past, our recollections of good and bad times and who knows maybe provide some entertainment along the way. Stay Tuned.....more to come on rules of the road etc...

Oh yeah.....
Here is the mode of transportation.  Yeah...I know....pretty sweet huh!!!

1 comment:

  1. So excited to hear about the trip, keep us posted! Praying for your safety as well as a "time of your life" adventure.
