Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 5: New Mexico, New Mexico, New Mexico....keep saying it and maybe you will believe it is new.

There is nothing new about New Mexico these days. Despite being one of the last states to join the United States, the entire massive state is filled with seemingly old things. Old towns, old mountains, old signs and well NOT MUCH NEW. We started the day where we ended it, with Kevin and Nancy at the Blue Swallow Motel. Great coffee with big mugs in the lobby and the two of them bustling around the property checking people out, selling souvenirs, watering plants, cleaning rooms and oh yeah making a little breakfast for themselves.   That's life of an independent business owner. Here are a couple more photos of their motel.

From Tucumcari we set out West toward Santa Fe, the Pre-1937 Route 66.  I shouldn't be so hard on the State of New Mexico as Santa Fe truly is a vibrant city..filled with art, shopping, amazing restaurants and oh yeah...tons and tons of OLD buildings. The age of Santa Fe actually adds to its charm and I'm truly excited to have my daughter attend college there the next couple of years. It is too, too far away but every kid should spread their wings at some point.  Here are a couple of photos of old hotels signs in Santa Fe and the road leading to Santa Fe.

 Unfortunately all the Motels of note are closed and have fallen either into disrepair, the wrong hands, down, or some other misfortune. After visiting the Munger Moss and Blue Swallow Motels, you can envision what these once amazing properties could have become if someone had grabbed them in time and cared enough to work hard at them. Maybe with the revitalization of the Route more of these properties might make a come back.
   Here are a couple photos on the road today. 

I show these because there are times on the Route in New Mexico that you have to get on the Interstate. I must be becoming a convert or addicted to this or something because quite honestly...the Interstate Sucks!!!  I couldn't wait to get back on two lane...the Interstate is too fast, too loud(convertible car remember) and too boring. You  can see these sights from an Interstate but you simply aren't going slow enough to enjoy them and usually you are dodging Peterbilt semis determined to relive scenes from the movie The Duel......one other thing...the smells(again thank you convertible).....a number of times today we could smell the evergreen trees, the grass being mowed along the Route and after a brief rain shower, the fresh, fresh desert air.
A couple of additional thoughts from the day.  First, while I initially seemed to complain above about New Mexico being old..it truly is a beautiful state. Albuquerque has a beautiful downtown and the rural areas of the State are incredible. We seemingly dodged rain all day but given the size of the valley shown in the above photos..the rain likely was somewhere south of Canada..we could just see that far.
     Second, while New Mexico appears to be a State the never throws anything away or tear anything down, you have to give credit to these folks for living here in the first place. We wondered today and yesterday in the car if some of these towns weren't started simply where the family moving west had their last wagon wheel fall off.
     We ended the day in Grants New Mexico, ate a huge and delicious steak and headed back to the Sands Motel where upon entering the room, we had to kill what Scott thought was a cricket but I'm pretty sure was a cockroach slight smaller than the Mustang. Not an "iconic" location but it will do.(just had to kill/flush or second large bug..a large beetletrying to escape the downpour outside--not a roach though..whew!!!!)

 I hate to see New Mexico go but am glad I will be back here in less than two weeks.We are off to, up and over the Continental divide tomorrow.  We have survived 1500 miles, one sleaze hole of a motel, 100 degree temps, crossing seemingly millions of cattleguards, one alligator sized roach and long 12 hour days of sitting on our rear end in a small car.  I am truly enjoying my time with these two long time friends. The car is dirty(sorry Angie) and we have had to take it thru a couple spots that weren't exactly perfect for a low riding Mustang. Here is one....
It was mostly just red muddy water so no biggie. We did actually turn around on one road that turned to gravel so I should get bonus points for that...right.
   More tomorrow as we continue the trek west.  Hopefully more photos...sorry I'm a little long winded today...did I mention I'm moving my daughter out here in two weeks?  Yeah...that will get you thinking.  More driving and thinking tomorrow. Till then.......


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