Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 6:  ARIZONA ROCKS..........
Although we started the day in New Mexico, we were only there for another hour or two as we drove toward Arizona. I may have been a bit hard on New Mexico and the day yesterday.  I'm writing it off to the realization that happens on every vacation/trip/adventure that you are halfway done with the trip and in a few short days you will back to work.  To say today was an amazing day is an understatement.  Not really sure where to start. So let's start with one of the two highlights.  Arizona Rocks for a number of reasons(see the landscape photos below) but I have to tell you, one trip to Winslow Arizona is all you need.  Here is the photo....

That is us "Standing on a Corner in Winslow Arizona, such a fine sight to see." This town has embranced the Eagles' classic song and made the best of it, putting a gift shop, wall mural and statute on the "corner in Winslow Arizona."  On the route, some people point to Cadillac Ranch or any one of a dozen other locales, but for me, this is one of the top 3 places I've visited on The Route. It is such a quaint, quiet little town but  you can't help but walk around with that song in your head.  Truly a kind of Mecca for us 50 year old Eagles fans.

On to other views from the day.... here are some photos from the Western part of New Mexico and Arizona..truly beautiful areas.

Now, if you ever want to venture out on this trip the maps often say.."it is impossible to travel the Route uninterrupted" plus they will have notes that say  "continue this direction AS CONDITIONS PERMIT" ...well what the hell does that all mean. What they mean to say is if you go this way you might be frickin nuts but you may be rewarded with some exciting times.  Here are a couple of the highlights from those routes...

Yes those are horses, coming thru a tunnel right at us on the road and yes that is the shiny new mustang crossing a 20 foot wide stream of mud and water(please, please don't tell Angie).
 Again, back to my point in earlier posts..these are the things that simply don't happen on the "antiseptic just get from one point to another" interstate highway system.  The Route thru New Mexico and Arizona requires you to get off the Interstate seldom but when it does the rewards are great.  Here are the 3 of us enjoying a cold beer at the highest point eleveation wise on Route 66 which was on one of those routes that said specifically "as conditions permit."

And here are more rewards...yes those are Albino Buffalo..ever see those in Iowa???
 and check out the view from the car going up  one of the mountains.

One last thought on the day and it involves one very simple picture.

This is a highlight for one basic reason. By my count, I have been up and over the Continental Divide no less that 20 times driving and/or hiking. Some folks that I know cannot say they've been over it once. Of those 20 times, the vast majority of those trips have involved Scott and Dennis. To have friends that feel the same sense of adventure is a blessing..we truly have had some great times going to and coming from the West Coast. This trip is no exception. Oh yeah, and with what friends would you ever comfortable just riding a jackrabbit?

 Can't believe we have come this far. Seems like we have been gone a month and only a day all at the same time. Onward west tomorrow. Roughly 500 miles to the coast left but much to see and do.  Excited to see what it brings.


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